St. Luke Assembly of God
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St. Luke Assembly of God
Revealing the Father's love. Reconciling others to Christ. Renewed by the Power of the Spirit.

We INVITE you to give in three ways:

  1. GIVE OF YOURSELF IN PRAYER: Pray for our church family, our community, our mission and our leadership. (Ephesians 6:18)

  2. GIVE OF YOUR TIME AND TALENTS: Each of us has a role to play in giving back to the Lord. He has gifted us all with time and talents that we can use for His glory. We encourage you to volunteer with St. Luke or one or our partner ministries to make a difference for Christ, His Kingdom, and our community. (Matthew 25: 31-46)

  3. GIVE OF YOUR RESOURCES: God encourages us to be cheerful givers, not under compulsion, but freely just as He has given to us. We invite you to give to the ministries of St. Luke to help us bring the good news of Christ to our community in word and action. (II Corinthians 9:6-15)

    St. Luke accepts online giving in two ways:

    PayPal: GiveLively:
    Account: Text: STLUKE to 44-321